Full Video Tour: A Dramatic Downeaster

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Shoodic NSB 1

Schoodic National Scenic Byway

From Bar Harbor, you’ll be getting on the Schoodic National Scenic Byway to take you to the Bold Coast.  Immediately, you’ll begin encountering majestic seascapes and granite coastal crags, interspersed with views of jagged mountains carved by primordial glaciers. Thundering ocean swells announce you’ve truly reached Down East. Along with peat bogs and blueberry fields that blanket  hillsides, there is a rich cultural heritage intimately linked to the sea in fishing villages, 19th-century lighthouses, bustling wharves, and docking lobster trawlers. Enjoy this unique route before reaching the Bold Coast Scenic Byway at Milbridge.


In an area first inhabited by Europeans in 1700, early Maine, which was then a colony of Massachusetts, was organized into regions called plantations. The former plantation of Gouldsboro, organized as town 1789, also known as Goldsboro, stretched from Frenchman’s Bay to West Bay and Gouldsboro Bay. West Bay Stream was annexed in 1845, and additional land in 1870. During the 1880’s, the town economy included a flour-mill, two grist mills, a shingle and spool-lumber mill, a saw-mill, and a lobster-canning establishment.  There are also eight mining companies, and 12 public schools serving a population of over 1,800.

Bartlett Maine Estate Winery and Distillery

The vintners of Bartlett Maine Estate Winery knew that grapes for wine making wouldn’t appreciate the cooler New England climate. Instead they were inspired to incorporate the low-bush blueberries which grow naturally into award-winning fruit wines. New aging techniques and blends produce fresh wines that pair magnificently with food. The Bartletts produce more than 20 varieties, ranging from dry and semi-dry blueberry reds to refreshing pear-apple whites, sweet blackberry dessert wines, and refreshing honey meads.

161 Chicken Mill Pond Road, Gouldsboro, ME 04607 20-546-2408 W-Sat 11AM-4PM

Coastal Villages Segment - Bold Coast Scenic Byway Milbridge

Milbridge lies at the mouth of the Narraguagus River in the heart of wild blueberry country. Early on, it served as the shipping point for lumber brought down river from Cherryfield by raft. The availability of this resource led to three shipyards, two boat builders, several sail and spar makers, along with a tinsmith and other manufacturers needed for ship building.  The was also a lobster canning factory, even though most residents made a living as farmers.


Maine Coastal Islands National Wildlife Refuge Complex Headquarters

The five refuges spanning the coast of Maine managed out of headquarters in Milbridge are a diverse mix of 73 coastal islands and four coastal preserves with forested headlands, estuaries and freshwater wetlands encompassing approximately 9,478 acres. They include forested and non-forested offshore islands, coastal salt marsh, open field, and upland mature spruce-fir forest hosting Arctic, and endangered roseate terns, Atlantic puffins, razorbills, common murres, black guillemots, Leach’s storm-petrels, herring, great black-backed, and laughing gulls; double-crested and great cormorants, and common eiders. The Refuge also provides habitats for wading birds, bald eagles, songbirds, and shorebirds.

14 Main Street, Milbridge, ME 04658 207-546-2124

Milbridge Historic Society and Museum

Two permanent exhibits covering shipbuilding and the history of fishing in the area at the Milbridge Historical Society are complemented with annual rotating exhibits that have included recreated rooms from houses/stores, shipwreck artifacts, the sardine industry, and Nash Island lighthouse.

83 Main Street, Milbridge, ME 04658 207-546-4471

Schooner Art Gallery

Featuring contemporary fine art, the gallery, located in the mid-1800s  Captain Brown House was renovated inside and out to create a bright open space for art. In addition to work by Maine artists, there is also a shop with Maine-made products.  

59 Main Street, Milbridge, ME 04658 207-546-3179 M-F 8AM-4PM

Schooner Gallery


Although it sits in the middle of massive blueberry fields, Cherryfield was named for the wild cherries that grow along the river. After settlement in 1757, lumbering became the main economic driver.  For a span of about 30 years afterward, 12-15 million board feet of lumber were shipped annually from surrounding forests.

Cherryfield National Historic District

The bountiful lumber in the area accounts for the many beautiful homes in the 75 acres that make up the historic district filled with Second Empire, Federal, Greek Revival, Italianate, Queen Anne, and Colonial Revival architecture, dating from 1750 to 1890. Several of these buildings have found new lives as retail shops and other businesses in the downtown area.

Cherryfield-Narraguagus Historical Society

Housed in an 1840 structure built by William Burnham II of Burnham Tavern fame, the property was purchased by Ulysses Gardner who ran “Gardner’s Grocery Store.” The former residence is now filled with artifacts and histories donated by descendants of these early residents in addition to information on lumbering and local mills.  Displays include a lady’s bedroom, a school room, and Grandma’s Attic illustrating life in the DownEast region in bygone eras. 

88 River Road, Cherryfield, ME 04622 207-546-2076 Open in summer by appointment.


Originally called Plantation Number 5, Harrington was one of six townships granted in 1762. Farmers here grew wheat and potatoes, while others worked in two sawmills, three shingle mills and two lath mills. In addition, there was a gristmill, two brickyards, a tannery, eighteen shipbuilders, a sailmaker, and a boot and shoe maker.

Harrington ME
Pleasant Bay Bed and Breakfast

Destination Distinctive Accommodations

Pleasant Bay Bed and Breakfast 386 West Side Road, Addison, ME 04606 207-483-4490  Beautiful property located in a tiny coastal town.

Destination Distinctive Dining 

Scovils Millside Dining 1276 Main Street, Harrington, ME 04643 207-483-6544

Paisley Loon Cafe, 2 Wilson Hill Road, Cherryfield, ME 04622, 207-546820

Destination Distinctive Retail  

Back in the Good Old Days Antiques, 4 Park Street, Cherryfield, ME 04622, 207-598-8188



Columbia Falls

Located at the head of the tide on the Pleasant River, Columbia Falls is one of the best-preserved 19th-century villages in Maine. Today’s village, still powered by lumbering and saltwater industries, features a mix of Georgian, Federal, Greek Revival, Victorian, and 20th-century homes. Spared by convenience stores and wide highways, it appears much as it did in the 1900s, surrounded by several small farms and endless miles of dirt roads winding through vast blueberry barrens.

Historic Ruggles House

Upon his arrival,  Thomas Ruggles built a Federal style residence that remained in the family for next 100 years.  Although descendant Mary Ruggles Chandler worked diligently to keep it up, the home was transformed to a museum for better caretaking.  Today, the breathtaking flying staircase is surrounded by historic furnishings, antique tools and a medicinal herb garden.  

146 Main Street, Columbia Falls, ME 04623 207-483-4637

Downeast Salmon Federation

Now an endangered species, Atlantic salmon in Maine are the last survivors of the wild Atlantic salmon runs that used to stretch as far south as Connecticut. To counter a decline, the Federation has established a unique conservation model of hatcheries and meaningful enhancement of salmon habitat. 

187 Main Street, Columbia Falls, ME 04623 207-483-4336


Jonesport was part of a grant of 48,160 acres made to John C. Jones in 1789. A portion was set off as Jones’ Port, and Beals was also included when a bridge was built to the island. The town is still driven by fishingboat building, and harvesting blueberries. Surrounding uninhabited islands provide nesting areas for a multitude of different bird species.

Jonesport Historical Society Heritage Center

Established to preserve the rich history of this seafaring community, the heritage enter contains a large collection of artifacts and documents, from the era when ships chandlery, bank and customs office were housed here. A genealogy database has records of more than 80,000 people, dating back to the first settlers. A cemetery’s  database has information on 4300 graves, and the archives, more than 14,000 photos, 3500 pages of newspaper articles, 19,000 pages of documents and more than 450 video clips.

21 Sawyer Square, Jonesport, ME 04649 207-497-3003


Named after early settler Manwarren Beal, Beals is connected by a bridge to the mainland.

Downeast Institute

In the mid-1980s, community members from six towns who became concerned about a decrease in clam harvests, joined forces with Brian Beal to spawn clams, raise larvae, and grow them for planting  in mudflats. The effort also established Maine’s first public shellfish hatchery and the Downeast Institute. Research has continued on the Maine Coast for more than 30 years.  

39 Wildflower Lane, Beals, ME 04611 207-497-5769 Daily 8:30AM-5PM

Great Wass Island Preserve

Great Wass Island Preserve is located along the “Fundian Fault,” a crack in the Earth’s crust extending from the Bay of Fundy to the coast of New Hampshire. A 4.5 mile trail takes you through the preserve’s unique forests and wetlands where you can expect to see harbor seals haul themselves out of the waves, along with rare plants that grow on the headlands. Further inland, the island has one of Maine’s largest stands of coastal jack pine, unique to this part of the state.


The Passamaquoddy called Machias for the “bad little falls.” English settlers who arrived in 1633 established a trading post for the Plymouth Company.  Since the French and English were at war, the French commander at Port Royal, Nova Scotia attacked killing two and capturing the others. After that, conflicts ceased until 1775, when the first naval battle of the American Revolution occurred. Today’s quaint historic town is home to the Wild Blueberry Festival with a musical comedy that has run for more than 40 years.

Destination Distinctive Accommodations

Inn at Schoppee Farm,  21 Schoppee Dairy Road, Machias, ME 04654 207-540-5504

Destination Distinctive Dining

Helen’s Restaurant, 111 Main Street, Machias, ME 04654 207-2558423

The Bluebird Ranch Family Restaurant, 78  Main Street, Machias, ME 04654 207-255-3351

Destination Distinctive Retail

Columbia Falls Pottery 4 Main Street, Machias, ME 04654 207-255-2716

Crows Nest Shops, 125 Dublin Street, Machias, ME 04654 207-255-0003


Downtown Machias

This very quaint classic New England town was founded by 16 settlers in 1763.  Learn their story on a walking tour developed by a descendent of the original families. Leaving from the Chamber office, it takes in the falls, O’Brien Cemetery, and a variety of different Federal style homes, along with the oldest section of Machias Savings Bank and one of the original schoolhouses.

Burnham Tavern Museum

The 1770 Burnham Tavern that served as a field hospital for the wounded from the naval battle of 1775, was one of 21 homes identified as having the most significance to the Revolutionary War. The residents of Machias, ordered to supply lumber to build barracks for British troops, met at the Tap Room to debate the best course of action. Plans to capture the British commander while he sat in church did not go as planned. He bolted through an open window, made it back to his ship, and the battle ensued in which the commander was wounded.  He later died at the tavern.   

14 Colonial Way, Machias, ME 04654

Washington County Historic and Genealogy Society

Housed in the original section of the Washington County Courthouse, the Society holds a large collection of vital records, cemetery records, histories of Washington County towns, original plantations and the Unorganized Territories, a large collection of books and manuscripts, and issues of Downeast Ancestry,  Second Boat, and more.  In addition, historical photographs include a four-glass-plate-negative compendium of Machias, artifacts from a home in Addison found in a wall, and a Revolutionary War cannon ball found in Jonesport are on display.  

85 Court Street, Machias, ME 04654 207-255-312


The Town of Machiasport originally served as the seaport for Machias, and still today, one in six workers are still employed in natural resources industries.

Fort O’Brien State Historic Site

Fort O’Brien State Historic Site preserves the remains of the fort located in Machiasport that was built and destroyed three times over a 90-year period. Action occurred in the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812 when, after American forces were garrisoned at the fort, along with British POWs, the British returned in 1814 to burn the barracks.  A five-gun battery was installed in 1863, but saw no action.

Gates House Museum

Built in 1807,  the Gates House is a remarkably high-quality Federal period house that is now home to the Machiasport Historical Society. Nathan Gates, who operated wharves adjacent to the house, purchased the property in 1813 and it remained in his family until 1929. 

344 Port Road, Machiasport, ME 207-255-8461

Bold Coast Segment – Bold Coast Scenic Byway

East Machias

Settled in 1763, this area, home to several mills, broke away from Machias in 1826. The economy, driven by shipbuilding and lumbering, gave rise the collection of historic residences built between 1760 and 1880, several churches, and the main building of the Washington Academy which dates from 1823.

East Machias Aquatic Research Center

Part of the Downeast Salmon Federation, the East Machias Aquatic Research Center is a one of a kind river hatchery using alternative rearing techniques to produce more natural juvenile Atlantic salmon, which are released throughout the watershed. 

13 Willow Street, East Machias, ME 04654 207-255-0676 M-F 9AM-5PM


Founded in 1825, this small picturesque fishing village with dramatic hiking trails along the coast  delivers scenic views of Little River Lighthouse and the magnificent coastline of Cutler Coast Public Reserved Land. A drive to the opposite side of the harbor provides a wonderful view of fishing boats, the harbor and village, and  access to the Western Head hiking trail, and the Bold Coast hiking trails.

Cutler Coast Public Preserve Land

The Culter Coast Preserve Lands, a 12-334 acre expanse of peatlands, blueberry barrens, partially forested ledges, thick, swampy woods, grasslands, meadows, windswept coastal headlands and steep, jagged cliffs that jut into the ocean, features a 2.8 mile round trip Coastal Trail, a forested path through a cedar swamp and maritime spruce-fir forest. It is the easiest trail to reach the spectacular view of the ocean from the high cliffs.

Maine Highway 191, Cutler, ME 0462


The easternmost town in the United States sits right across the bay from Campobello Island where President Franklin Delano Roosevelt once had his summer home. Part of Maine’s Bold Coast, this region is rich in jaw-dropping vistas and iconic lighthouses.

Destination Distinctive Accommodations

Inn on the Wharf, 69 Johnson Street, Lubec, ME 04652 20-733-4400

Destination Distinctive Dining

Water Street Inn and Tavern, 12 North Water Street, Lubec, ME 04652 207-733-0122

Lubec Brewing Company, 41 Water Street, Lubec, ME 04652 207-3-4555 

Restaurant at the Inn on the Wharf, 69 Johnson Street, Lubec, ME 04652 207-733-4400

Destination Distinctive Retail

Monica’s Chocolates 100 County Road, Lubec, ME 04652 207-733-4500

The Clutter Shop Antique and Vintage, 371 County Road, Lubec, ME 04652 207-733-4733


Lubec Historical Society

Five rooms filled with displays tell the story of the boat building and herring industries that once flourished in Lubec. Other treasures include antique quilts, gold from Seawater Hoax of 1897, a restored 1840 cannon, schools, hotels, military items, and a country store. 

135 Main Street, Lubec, ME 04652 207-733-2994

McCurdy’s Herring Smokehouse

The Historic McCurdy’s Herring Smokehouse complex, unique in America, stands on tall log pilings where Bay of Fundy tides can rise as high as 25 feet twice daily. Herring was smoked here using traditional European processes until 1991. Even though there were 20 canneries and 30 smokehouses in Lubec in the 1920s, by the 1970s, McCurdy’s was the last. When they closed in 1991, it was the last herring smokehouse in the U.S. still operating. 

50 North Water Street, Lubec, ME 04652 207-733-2197

West Quoddy Head Light

In 1808, President Thomas Jefferson ordered the original lighthouse to be built with a light and fog cannon to warn mariners of Quoddy’s dangerous cliffs, ledges, and Sail Rock. It greatly reduced shipwrecks in the area and was replaced by the current tower in 1858 with a now fully automated light flashes in a pattern 24 hours a day: 2 seconds on, 2 off, 2 on, and 9 seconds off. A visitor center occupies the lightkeeper’s house.  Tours to the top of the tower typically occur every Saturday in July and August.

973 South Lubec Road, Lubec, ME 04652 207-733-2180

Quoddy Head State Park

The 532 acres of Quoddy Head State Park feature 4.5 miles of hiking trails, extensive forests, two bogs, and diverse habitat for rare plants, surrounding the striking, red-and-white striped lighthouse tower.

973 South Lubec Road, Lubec, ME 04652 207-733-0911

Hamilton Cove Preserve

Take the Coastal Trail through this 1,225-acre preserve to experience the rugged coastal landscape of cobble beaches, sheer cliffs, and rocky promontories. The Coastal Trail through the boreal forest ends at a bench with views of Quoddy Head, about a 3 mile round trip.

Boot Cove Road, Lubec, ME 0465


Roosevelt Campobello International Park

Franklin D. Roosevelt summered on Campobello Island with his family for many years, where his family enjoyed the same active pursuits he had as a child.  Today, the cooperative effort between the US and Canada, features Franklin and Elenor’s magnificent 34-room “summer cottage” surrounded by 2,800-acres. It was preserved to look exactly like it did in 1920.  The mansion is surrounded by other “cottages” including the 1892 sumptuously appointed Hubbard Cottage, the late 19th century Prince Cottage, now featuring the Prince Cafe with beautiful bay views and Wells-Shober Cottage which hosts “Eleanor’s Tea”, as well as other programs. Guided tours limited to 20 persons, take place every 15 minutes. Tickets are available day of tour only. 

459 Route 774, Welshpool, New Brunswick E5E1A4 506-752-2922

Herring Cove Provincial Park

Also on Campobello Island, Herring Cove Provincial Park offers six unique trails and you can hike the Carriage Road through a forest of ancient spruce, across log bridges, or follow an old logging road. Discover sea urchins, a rich bog and sheer cliffs along the mile long beach.

136 Herring Cove Road, Welshpool, New Brunswick E5E1A4 506-752-7010

Cobscook Bay Segment – Bold Coast Scenic Byway Whiting

Boston Tea Party activist Colonel John Crane became the first English settler in 1780 in an area formerly known as Orangetown Plantation and Township 12, ultimately named after Timothy Whiting, another early land owner and member of the State Legislature. In 1811, John Raymond erected a sawmill known as Connecticut Mills run by Peter Hall until 1867. In the late 19th century, hay and potatoes provided the major source of income, plus two sawmills producing about 475,000 feet of lumber in a year.

Cobscook Bay State Park

Cobscook, the Maliseet-Passamaquoddy tribal word for “boiling tides,” describes this setting where the tide averages 24 feet and as high as 28 feet compared to a 9-foot average along the Maine coast. Three primary forces: Cobscook Bay’s powerful tides, the underlying bedrock, and the glacial action from the Wisconsinan ice sheet approximately 12,000-18,000 years ago, shaped the landscape. Nathaniel Shaler, one of the first geologists to explore the area, noted that Cobscook Bay offers “a more interesting assemblage of phenomena than can be found on any other part of the eastern seaboard of the United States.”

40 South Edmunds Road, Dennysville, ME 04628 207-726-4412


Edmunds incorporated in 1828, and expanded with more land from adjoining Trescott in 1899, like so many other struggling towns, surrendered its organized status, only to become a town again in 1937.


Dennysville lies along the bank of the Dennys River, one of six in Maine that are home to the Atlantic salmon.  Historic structures in town include the 1787 Lincoln House, the 1846 Old Dennysville Academy,  the Congregational Church dating from 1843, the old cemetery, and the History Museum.

Dennysville Academy Vestry Museum

Long before Maine was a state, surveyors hired by George Washington, who walked Washington County’s fields, forests and coastlines to create maps of the area.  Six of the now more than 200 years old documents are on display, along with other exhibits that tell the story of the region.   

9 King Street, Dennysville, ME 04628


Settled in 1774, Pembroke was home to Dr. Charles Best who co-discovered insulin with Dr. Frederick Banting. In 1923, Dr. Banting and J.J.R. Macleod were awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine for that discovery. Dr. Banting was so outraged that Dr. Best was overlooked and he gave Best half of his prize money. Dr. Best later became an adviser to the medical research committee of the United Nations World Health Organization.

Reversing Falls Park

The 191-acre Reversing Falls Preserve encompasses the largest set of tidal falls on the Maine coast, created by an underwater ledge between the preserve and Falls Island. The dramatic tides in the bay rise and fall up to 24 feet every 6.4 hours. 

Off Clarkside Road in Pembroke


Eastport, as far “downeast” as you can get in Maine is situated on Moore Island, right across the bay from New Brunswick. Even though it is the deepest port on the East Coast, the area is notorious for rip tides and powerful currents, similar to what created the reversing falls.  in Pembroke. The churning water that pushes food to the surface, attracts seals and eagles at high tide. It is also a great place for whale watching, May through October.

Destination Distinctive Accommodations

Milliken House Bed and Breakfast, 29 Washington Street, Eastport, ME 04631 207-853-2955

Destination Distinctive Dining

Waco Diner, 47 Water Street, Eastport, ME 04631 207-853-9226

Happy Crab, 35 Water Street, Eastport, ME 04631 207-853-9400

Destination Distinctive Retail

Eastport Breakwater Gallery, 93 Water Street, Eastport, ME 04631 207-853-4773 

The Commons Eastport, 51 Water Street, Eastport, ME 04631 207-853-4123 

Crow Tracks Wood Carvings, 11 Water Street, Eastport, ME 04631 207-853-2336


Eastport Historic District

Encompassing five blocks of Water Street, the Eastport Historic District was almost completely rebuilt after a fire in 1886, with 26 buildings built in 1887, two more added by 1893, and one in 1928. Many of the structures were designed by renowned architects.

Fort Sullivan’s Barracks Museum

Located in the original 1808 barracks, this museum focuses on the history of Fort Sullivan which was surrendered to a British Fleet in 1814 and returned to the US in 1818.  When the property was sold in 1877, the officers’ quarters were moved to 74 Washington Street, which in 2018 became the museum. 

74 Washington Street, Eastport, ME 04631

Tides Institute and Museum of Art

Housed on a campus of eight historic buildings dating from 1819 to 1890 that are an extension of their collections, even though the collections of the Tides Institute learn toward art created between the 18th century to today, there is also a focus on architecture and history. Collections include paintings, prints, photographs, and sculpture, Passamaquoddy and Mi’Kmaq basketry and other art and crafts, architectural drawings, documentation and artifacts, ship models, maps, decorative arts, furniture, clocks, silver, glass, textiles, musical instruments, oral history recordings and graphic arts. Some of the buildings are open regularly, while others open only during special events or by appointment. 

43 Water Street, Eastport, ME 04631 207-85-4047

Shackford Head State Park

Named for Revolutionary War soldier Captain John Shackford who arrived in1783, the park is located on land he used for his ship’s anchorage. When in the 1970s, the Pittston Company proposed to build an oil refinery here, it met with strong opposition. When the property came up for sale in 1988, the Eastport Land Trust bought the property to keep the land wild.


Just across an international bridge from St. StephenNew Brunswick, Calais, named after Calais, France was settled in 1779 since the area offered an abundance of natural resources. The community became a center of lumbering soon after and manufacturing of wood products is still the economic driver, although blueberries are also harvested. Whitlock’s Mill Lighthouse, Maine’s northernmost, helped guide sailing ships in from the Passamaquoddy Bay. In town, you can also stroll along the 1.5 mile Waterfront Walkway, the easternmost gateway for the East Coast Greenway and the Bold Coast Scenic Bikeway. The nearby nearly 30,000-acre Moosehorn National Wildlife Refuge delivers exceptional wildlife viewing, as well as restored wetlands that are home to woodcocks, ospreys, eagles and waterfowl.

Destination Distinctive Accommodations  

Calais Crossing River House Bed and Breakfast  704 Main Street, Calais, ME 04619, 07-454-3565  Century old Bed and Breakfast on the banks of the St. Croix River. 

Destination Distinctive Dining  

Nook & Cranny  575 Airline Rd, Baileyville, ME 04694, 207-454-3335

The 5 Kings Restaurant & Picaroons Brewhouse  5 King St, St Stephen, NB E3L 2C1, Canada, 506-466-2739 

Jo’s Diner and Pizzeria, 195 Main Street, Calais, ME 04619, 207-454-8400

Crumbs Cafe and Coffee Bar, 405 Main Street, Calais, ME 04619 207-454-8995


Saint Croix Island National Historic Site

The historic site on the American side of the border between the United States and Canada, marks the location where the French explorers Samuel de Champlain and Pierre Dugua de Mons attempted to establish a settlement in 1604.

Downtown St. Stephen, New Brunswick, Canada (with a passport)

Even though the settlement of Champlain and de Monts to make this the capital of L’Acadie did not survive, St. Croix was so firmly rooted in history that it was used to mark the current boundary between the United States and Canada on which St. Stephen is situated. British loyalists moved to the Canadian side to settle St. Stephen at the end of the Revolutionary War, and immediately commenced building ships from local lumber which also brought timber to markets worldwide.  The railroad brought manufacturing, spurring historic architecture and facilities that made a multitude of different things.

Additional Natural Areas and Trails 

Bold Coast Scenic Bikeway – West Gouldsboro to Calais  

Down East Sunrise Trail – Ellsworth to Ayers Junction 

Maine Islands Trail – Kittery to Cobscook Bay 

Downeast and Acadia Birding Trail – Bar Harbor through Hancock and Washington  Counties 

Ice Age Trail  – Ellsworth to Lubec

Pigeon Hill Preserve, 1216 Pigeon Hill Road, Steuben, ME 04680 207-255-4500

Big Bog Cove Preserve, Maine Highway 191, Lubec, ME 04652

Treat Island Preserve, Treat Island off the coast  Lubec

Sipp Bay Preserve, Burby Road, Perry, ME 

Cable Pool Park, Dam Road Off Route 1, Cherryfield, ME  

Middle River Park, One Kilton Lane, Machias, ME  04654 207-255-4500 

Machias River Preserve, North Main Street, Machias, ME 04654 

Bad Little Falls Park, Off Maine Highway 92, Machias, ME 04654 

Long Point Preserve, East Side Road, Machiasport, ME  

Lost Fisherman’s Memorial Park, North Water Street, Lubec, ME  

Cobscook Shores, 65 North Lubec Road, Lubec, ME 

Moosehorn National Wildlife Refuge, 103 Headquarters Road, Baring, ME 04694 207-454-7161

Area Agricultural Producers 

Folklore Farm 304 Milbridge Road, Cherryfield, ME 04622, 207-200-7384 

Lynch Hill Farm, 1468 US 1-A, Harrington, ME 04643 207-483-1227

Hatch Knoll Farm, 29 Hatch Knoll Road, Jonesboro, ME 04648 207-434-2579 

Tide Mill Organic Farm, 91 Tide Mill Road, Edmunds, ME 04628 207-733-2551 

Milbridge Farmer’s Market, 29 Main Street, Milbridge, ME 207-546-2395

Catherine Hill Winery, 661 Blacks Woods Road, Cherryfield, ME 04622 207-546-3426

Machias Valley Farmer’s Market,  111 Main Street, Machias, ME 04654 207-638-2664

Wescogus Wild Blueberry Farm, 383 Indian River Road, Addison, ME 04606 207-483-3884

Welch Family Farm, 186 Rouge Bluffs Road, Rogue Bluffs, ME 04654, 207-951-2437